If you have suffered an illness or injury which requires medical care, you may already be feeling understandably disoriented as a result of your medical condition. If you have experienced an adverse event during the course of your medical care, you may be feeling even more dazed than you otherwise might. When the trust between medical professionals and patients is broken due to mistakes on the part of medical personnel, the fallout can be uniquely jarring. As a result, you may not feel qualified to make certain decisions about how you will ultimately respond to the harm that you are now suffering as a result of a medical mistake.
After all, physicians, nurses and support staff are only human. Should you be trying to hold them accountable for their mistakes or forgive them without taking any action? This is an incredibly difficult question for many people. Thankfully, you do not have to make this decision alone. According to the law, medical personnel are allowed to make certain kinds of mistakes, provided that they are adhering to certain standards outlined within the law itself. In these cases, it does not generally make sense to file a lawsuit. However, when mistakes occur which rise to the level of medical malpractice, it not only makes sense to file lawsuits in many cases, holding individuals accountable for their actions may help other patients avoid the same kinds of mistakes.
If you are unsure of whether or not the mistake that caused you harm was an instance of medical malpractice, please seek out the counsel of an attorney experienced in medical malpractice law. He or she should be able to assess your situation in such a way that you may receive valuable guidance. Recovering from medical harm can be a daunting task. Please do not feel like you need to make the decision to file a lawsuit or refrain from doing so alone.
Source: Findlaw Injured, “5 Signs You May Need a Medical Malpractice Attorney,” Daniel Taylor, Sep. 8, 2014