While Fall Protection General Requirements remained at the top of the Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) list of top ten violations, a new addition moved into the number nine spot on the list – Fall Protection Training Requirements. This entry preceded a new study released in January from data from the NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program, which showed that almost half of all construction related fatalities involved falls. Of those workers killed, 54 percent had no access to a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) or had one and failed to use it.
The new entry to the OSHA top ten list, entitled Fall Protection Training Requirements: OSHA Standard 1926.503 needs to be addressed with the same criticality as the tenured violations on the list.
All employers with workplaces that present fall hazards must provide a fall prevention-training program to all employees. These programs require the training to be carried out by qualified person and include the following:
· Nature of fall hazards in the work area
· Correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, dissembling and inspecting the fall protection systems to be used
· Use and operation of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems, warning line systems, safety monitoring systems and controlled access zones.
After completing training, all employees must be adept in the identification of fall hazards and following up with corrective procedures to minimize fall hazard risks.
Employers are required keep a certified written record of the training, containing the name of the trained employee, the date of training completion, and the signature of the trainer or employer who necessitated the training. If the employer has reason to believe that a previously trained employee, of the fall protection program, no longer possesses the understanding or skills required to accurately identify fall hazards and the procedures to minimize fall hazard risks, retraining of the employee is mandatory. As an example, where there have been changes in the type of fall protection systems being utilized, the previous workplace training would be considered obsolete. The employer must identify the employee’s deficiencies in workplace fall training in relation to changes in methods and equipment and be certain that employee receives retraining promptly.
Elimination Though Enforcement
Since the addition of fall protection training to the top ten of the OSHA violations list for 2017, citations for violations have increased. The number one violation, Fall Protection General Requirement was cited with 6,887 violations in 2017 whereas the Fall Protection Training Requirements violations number was at 1,734. That number is expected to increase significantly in 2018. The goal of enforcement in both these areas is to eliminate falls as the number one cause of workplace injuries and fatalities nationwide.
If you were injured at work from a fall or by any other means, it may be the fault of your employer or possible a third party. Do not just file a workers compensation claim and wait. Speak to a workplace injury attorney as soon as possible. There may be more compensation available to you than you realize.
Vititoe Law Group has helped countless injured workers fight for the compensation they deserve from workers compensation as well as any third party, such as a contractor, maintenance company, security company property manager or owner.
If you were or your loved one was injured, get in touch with a workplace injury attorney at Vititoe Law Group today for a free evaluation of your case. Call 818-851-1886 or contact us online. No Recovery – No Fee.