Your daily routine is going as expected. Your kids just boarded the school bus and you are on the short drive home to begin your own day. Your morning is abruptly interrupted when you get the call that every spouse dreads. Your husband was injured in a car accident on his way to work. You are told that you must get to the hospital as soon as possible.
At the hospital a doctor meets you and informs you that your husband has suffered a spinal cord injury and has lost all feeling from the waist down. More tests are needed to determine the severity of the injury. Your once-normal world has suddenly been spun into chaos. You fear the worst and then it is confirmed – your loved one has suffered a severe and permanent spinal cord injury. (SCI)
A spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating, permanent injuries that can occur. It is also the most costly over the lifetime of the injured person and his or her family. The leading cause of severe spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle (passenger vehicle and motorcycle) accidents. If you or someone you love suffers a spinal cord injury in motor vehicle accident, it is imperative that you have the support of a skilled spinal cord injury lawyer.
The effects of a spinal cord injury are traumatic and require extensive and ongoing treatment, as well as rehabilitation and often vocational retraining. Your loved one may not be able to return to work and your time may be needed for his or her around the clock care.
A spinal cord injury may result in:
· Loss of sensation and motor function below the injury location.
· A long term loss of income caused by the inability to work
· A loss of independence or self care ability
· Astronomical medical bills and other financial issues such as special needs and rehabilitation
· Loss of consortium
· Depression and mental anguish
Exorbitant Costs of Treatment and Long-term Care
For an individual with a high tetraplegia spinal cord injury, the first year annual expenses average $1.079 million and the cost for each additional year averages $187,443.
In addition to the exceptionally high costs of medical treatment, economic damages are exacerbated by lost wages and income earning potential. It is unfortunately common for an individual with an SCI to lose months or even years of income due to their inability to work. In some cases they may not work for the rest of their lives. For those who are able to return to some form of work, the new vocation may not produce nearly the level of lifetime income expected from their previous career.
If you are in this position due to your injures you may be entitled to compensation from the driver of the vehicle and their insurance company, or a third party, for your lost income over the long term as well as your medical bills, diminished quality of life, loss of consortium, for both you and your spouse, as well as pain and suffering.
Your Right to Seek Justice for Your Injury
It is your right to be able to seek justice if your injury was the result of someone else’s negligent or deliberate actions. You may also initiate a change that will prevent a similar tragedy in the future caused by that negligent party.
With injury cases involving motor vehicles, the most common cause of SCI’s, where negligence may be a factor include:
· Negligence or recklessness of another driver such as violation or the law (speeding, ignoring traffic signals, tailgating) or distracted driving such as texting or another preoccupation.
· A defective product such as faulty brakes or tires.
· Third party negligence such as improperly maintained or marked roads, an unsafe and unmaintained vehicle or any other contributable negligence
Westlake Village Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys
Vititoe Law Group spinal cord injury lawyers understand how your life can be suddenly and drastically altered by any spinal cord injury. We are here to help you navigate the difficult channels of a personal injury claim. We have the resources and experience necessary to handle your claim and work diligently to maximize your compensation.
If you or your loved one were suffered a spinal cord injury due to the negligence or deliberate actions of another person or entity, contact a qualified spinal cord injury attorney today by calling 818-851-1886 or contact us online for a free evaluation of your case. There is no cost to you until we win.