When is a Visit to the ER Necessary Following a Head Injury?

Fortunately for many athletes who suffered head injuries, recent awareness of mild traumatic brain injury and the possible long-term effects, has saved them from further injury. Medical professionals are on site for contact sports to determine if a player suffered a concussion and if the athlete should be removed from play. Gone are the days when the coach would make light of a player having his “bell rung.” For everyone else, the severity of a head injury can only be determined by a visit to the ER. But how does a person determine when a trip to the ER is necessary?  According to Dr. Charles Emerman, [...]

By |2020-08-15T19:13:18-07:00January 26th, 2019|Brain Injury|Comments Off on When is a Visit to the ER Necessary Following a Head Injury?

Truck Driver Deaths Rise Again in 2017

Big rig drivers are in one of the deadliest occupations, as truck driver on-the-job deaths rise to set a new record in 2017. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a 6.6 percent increase in truck driver deaths, with 840 heavy-duty trucking fatalities being recorded, compared to 786 the previous year. Since 2011 the industry has seen the fatality rate increase by a staggering 25 percent. The data provided by the labor bureau concurs with other data from a National Highway Safety Administration Report in October of 2018 that indicated a 9 percent year over year increase in trucker fatalities to the highest level in 29 years. [...]

By |2019-01-17T23:44:05-08:00January 17th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Truck Driver Deaths Rise Again in 2017

Research: Motorcyclists Lives Saved by Distracted Driving Laws

The rate of motorcycle fatalities has been significantly reduced in states where the use of cell phones and other held devices has been banned. States that have implemented strong to moderate laws banning held device usage have reduced motorcycle fatalities by as much as 11 percent over states that have no bans, according to a study by faculty at Florida Atlantic University and the University of Miami. Social Science and Medicine recently published the study’s findings regarding the positive effect of distracted driving laws on motorcyclist safety. “In the case of motorcycles, these laws seem to be effective,” said study co-author Gulcin Gumus, Ph.D., an associate [...]

By |2019-01-17T23:38:23-08:00January 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Research: Motorcyclists Lives Saved by Distracted Driving Laws

How Common are Charter Bus Safety Issues?

Everyday, in every major city in the country, charter buses, or tour buses, transport countless tourists, gamblers, sports teams and commuters, on round trips or one way, between cities, to venues or tourist sites. As recently as Monday Dec. 3, a third grader was killed and at least 45 were injured when a Tennessee charter bus carrying youth football players rolled off an interstate and overturned in the early morning just before sunrise in central Arkansas. Scott Shuttle, the charter bus company had a history of federal bus safety violations and was once fined $3,250 for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate one of its vehicles. [...]

By |2019-01-03T20:51:42-08:00January 3rd, 2019|Bus Accidents|Comments Off on How Common are Charter Bus Safety Issues?

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