NTSB pushing for collision avoidance technology – Part II

During our last post, we began a discussion about the National Transportation Safety Board and collision avoidance technology. We noted that the NTSB recently released an extensive report regarding this new technology. In the report, the agency essentially calls for auto manufacturers to install this technology in all new light and commercial vehicle models. Although the auto industry has avoided widespread installation of this technology due to its costs, the NTSB chairman has insisted that if consumers do not pay more for seat belts, they should not have to pay more for collision avoidance technology. According to the agency, widespread installation of this technology could prevent [...]

By |2015-06-15T08:45:38-07:00June 15th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NTSB pushing for collision avoidance technology – Part II

NTSB pushing for collision avoidance technology – Part I

There was a time when seat belts were not automatically installed in vehicles. Over time, as the public began to understand that seat belts save lives, seat belts became more common. Eventually, installation of these safety devices became mandatory for auto manufacturers. As the seat belt example illustrates, the auto industry does not always embrace safety technology of its own accord. Oftentimes, public awareness and regulatory pressure serve as necessary catalysts in order to inspire the auto industry to keep motorists and passengers safe. It seems that this trend is set to continue regarding the matter of collision avoidance technology. […]

By |2018-05-26T15:04:16-07:00June 12th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NTSB pushing for collision avoidance technology – Part I

NHTSA to become a more effective watchdog?

We frequently write about the actions of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As the federal agency most directly tasked with ensuring the safety of the nation’s roadway travelers, the priorities, values, actions and inactions of the NHTSA affect nearly every American at one time or another. It is ultimately important to keep abreast of this agency’s evolution because the NHTSA directly influences the safety or lack of safety that the nation’s motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are subject to on a regular basis. Over the past few years, the NHTSA has become the subject of criticism from lawmakers, safety organizations and the public. Although the agency [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:04:57-07:00June 5th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NHTSA to become a more effective watchdog?

California may soon explicitly embrace lane splitting

California motorists are not strangers to the practice of lane splitting. Think back to the last few times you were navigating a significant flow of traffic on one of the Golden State’s many crowded freeways. At any point, did you encounter a motorcycle? Did that motorcycle happen to travel between you and the vehicle next to you, even though the vehicle next to you was already traveling in the next lane over? This practice is referred to as lane splitting. For decades, the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officers have implicitly allowed motorcyclists to lane split, especially under certain conditions. In fact, a great [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:05:24-07:00May 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on California may soon explicitly embrace lane splitting

California’s wrong-way freeway crash problem

Since the beginning of the year, a specific kind of crash has been plaguing California’s busy freeways. These crashes are almost always preventable and are almost often tragic catastrophes. When drivers are intentionally or unintentionally forced to navigate wrong-way traffic in high-speed action movies, the event tends to be thrilling. When drivers are intentionally or unintentionally forced to navigate wrong-way traffic in real life, fatal collisions tend to result. In one single community, four wrong-way freeway crashes have occurred in 2015 alone. This number may seem relatively small when compared to the number of crashes which occur on California freeways annually, but when one stops to [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:05:50-07:00May 29th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on California’s wrong-way freeway crash problem

NHTSA is exploring the issue of DUI recidivism – Part II

Earlier this week, we began a discussion about DUI recidivism. We observed that while it is surprisingly easy for responsible adults to be arrested for a single, unintentional and ultimately accidental drunk driving incident due to the ways alcohol metabolizes in the body, repeat drunk driving offenders pose a significant threat to public safety. We also noted that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is directly tasked with ensuring the relative safety of the nation’s roadway travelers and that this agency has a particular interest in the matter of repeat drunk driving offenders. Recently, the NHTSA released valuable research related to this issue that will hopefully [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:06:16-07:00May 17th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NHTSA is exploring the issue of DUI recidivism – Part II

NHTSA is exploring the issue of DUI recidivism – Part I

When individuals drive while intoxicated, their behavior endangers their own lives and the lives of everyone within range of their vehicles at any given moment. Oftentimes, sincerely responsible adults drive while illegally drunk based on a misperception that they are actually sober. Because alcohol metabolizes differently in the body based on a host of factors, one can feel sober and still be illegally “drunk” for the purposes of legally operating a motor vehicle. When adults are unintentionally driving drunk and they are pulled over, they tend to be much, much more careful about letting an accidental DUI occur ever again. However, there are those individuals who [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:06:43-07:00May 15th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NHTSA is exploring the issue of DUI recidivism – Part I

Helmet camera shows scary motorcycle incident

Just north of Los Angeles, a motorcyclist nearly got into an accident with another motorcyclist. Now, we know that’s not exactly the most thrilling bit of a news. In fact, you may not even consider it news at all. However, there is one element involved in this near-head-on crash that caught our eye — and it will certainly catch the eye of the motorcycle community. Here’s what happened: one of the motorcyclists was riding properly in his lane as he drove through the mountains on a seemingly open road. But another motorcyclist coming from the other direction swerved into the lane of the first motorcyclist, causing [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:10:54-07:00May 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Helmet camera shows scary motorcycle incident

What can you do to observe Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month?

There is an inherent danger to many of the activities we participate in every day. Most of us acknowledge but refuse to worry about most of these dangers, such as the risk of getting into a car accident. If we constantly worried about such risks, we would be largely unable to live productive lives outside our homes. But for motorcyclists, the calculation of risk is different. Those who primarily ride motorcycles understand that the risks of death or significant injury are much higher than they are for individuals who drive in cars or trucks. Motorcycles offer less protection in the event of an accident, which means [...]

By |2018-05-26T15:11:22-07:00May 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What can you do to observe Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month?

Do you need help after an Oxnard motor vehicle accident?

Motor vehicles accidents are not just something we hear on the news, happening in some faraway place. Rather, it is the people here — in our community — who are injured or killed every year in fatal motor vehicle accidents.  The Vititoe Law Group opened an Oxnard law office in order to better serve those in the area. We represent those who are hurt in traffic accidents, along with those who lose loved ones in these crashes. In all of these cases, when someone else’s negligence is the reason behind the crash, we work hard to hold those other individuals accountable. […]

By |2018-05-26T15:11:50-07:00May 4th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Do you need help after an Oxnard motor vehicle accident?

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