Are distracted pilots as dangerous as distracted drivers?

We recently published a post detailing the dangerous nature of distracted driving behaviors. When motorists take their hands off the wheel, their eyes off the road and/or their minds off the task of driving, catastrophe can result. Thankfully, most kinds of distracted driving behaviors are preventable. As long as drivers remain engaged and alert, they can prevent many different kinds of accident scenarios. However, drivers too often choose to engage in distracting behaviors despite the dangers they pose. In a perhaps unsurprising twist on the issue of distracted driving, more travel-related operators are beginning to crash their air, water and land craft due to the same [...]

By |2018-05-27T09:37:17-07:00February 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are distracted pilots as dangerous as distracted drivers?

Should you speak with an attorney about your minor car accident?

Have you recently been involved in a relatively minor motor vehicle accident? If so, you may be wondering whether it is worth your time and energy to speak with a personal injury attorney about the situation. The particular circumstances surrounding every motor vehicle accident are unique. As a result, only you can truly know whether or not speaking with an attorney is the best choice for you. If your accident was a very minor fender-bender that resulted in no property damage, no medical issues and no police report, you may not need to speak with an attorney. However, if your accident was significant enough that you [...]

By |2018-05-27T09:39:49-07:00February 6th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Should you speak with an attorney about your minor car accident?

Can you sue an airline if you are hurt by falling baggage?

Nowadays, most airlines charge fees for checked baggage. As a result, it seems that many people get around this frustrating additional fee by stuffing as many of their possessions as possible into their carry-on bags. These overstuffed bags can be bulky, heavy and oddly shaped. When pushed and prodded into overhead compartments, they may not fit neatly. And when overhead bins are not properly secured, these bags can easily fall out and hurt someone. Perhaps this scenario is familiar to you. Perhaps you have even been the victim of an aviation accident involving falling baggage. If so, you may or may not be able to hold an airline [...]

By |2018-05-27T09:41:22-07:00January 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Can you sue an airline if you are hurt by falling baggage?

The NTSB is urging regulators to act on truck safety – Part II

In our last post, we began a discussion about truck safety. We observed how critical it is that the nation’s trucking industry, lawmakers, regulators and manufacturers prioritize truck safety given how much damage truck accidents can cause. We also noted that for the fourth consecutive year, the number of fatalities caused by truck accidents occurring on American roads has risen, according to the National Traffic Safety Board. In response to this sobering trend, the NTSB is urging federal highway regulators to make truck safety a top priority. Specifically, it is insisting that relevant agencies pass the more than 100 truck safety recommendations that the NTSB has [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:49:45-07:00January 25th, 2015|Truck Accidents|Comments Off on The NTSB is urging regulators to act on truck safety – Part II

The NTSB is urging regulators to act on truck safety – Part I

We frequently write about the critical importance of commercial truck safety. Large commercial trucks traveling at significant speeds have the potential to harm virtually any vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian or property in their path. As a result, it is vitally important that truck drivers are adequately trained and that they are properly reprimanded if they stray from mandatory safety procedures and practices. Despite numerous educational campaigns, new federal regulations and a host of efforts by non-profits, legislators and the trucking industry itself, the rate of fatal and injurious truck accidents which occur annually continue to rise. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the number of fatalities [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:50:24-07:00January 23rd, 2015|Truck Accidents|Comments Off on The NTSB is urging regulators to act on truck safety – Part I

Airlines to be held to new federal safety requirements

We have previously discussed the fact that traveling by plane is far safer than traveling by motor vehicle. However, simply because air travel is safer than road travel does not mean that it cannot be safer itself. The number of aviation accidents that occur annually are far fewer than the number of motor vehicle crashes. But until the number of aviation accidents which occur annually reaches zero, improvements to air safety should continue to be a national priority. Federal regulators recently took an important step towards improving safety for air travelers. Specifically, the Federal Aviation Administration insisted that airlines must create programs designed to prevent accidents [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:51:05-07:00January 16th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Airlines to be held to new federal safety requirements

Distracted Driving a Leading Cause of Car Accidents

In the United States, 37,000 people are killed in automobile collisions each year and more than 2.3 million are seriously injured or become disabled, according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel. These tragic figures only represent a fraction of the total number of car accidents in America, which is approximately 10 million annually. What’s more, vehicle collisions are the single largest mortal threat to teenagers, according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because California is among one of the largest populated states, it’s little wonder why there are so many automobile accidents occurring each and every year. In the [...]

By |2015-01-15T13:55:36-08:00January 15th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Distracted Driving a Leading Cause of Car Accidents

Is motorcycle ‘communication’ a possibility?

Over the past several years, great strides have been made towards outfitting test cars with the ability to “talk” to one another. Many of these test vehicles have already been involved in real-world trials. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is being explored primarily for its potential to reduce the number of preventable accidents that occur on U.S. highways and surface streets. Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicated that it is taking administrative steps to support this particular kind of safety technology. When functioning properly, this advance would allow cars and light trucks to essentially warn each other about potentially dangerous activity occurring around them. It is hoped [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:52:19-07:00January 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is motorcycle ‘communication’ a possibility?

The current state of global aviation safety

It can be difficult for the general public to understand just how safe or unsafe air travel is at a glance. It is generally understood that air travel is safer than traveling by car or truck. But how much safer is this form of travel? This question can be particularly difficult to answer when it seems that all major aviation accidents receive extensive coverage by the media and all fatal auto vehicle wrecks generally do not receive such coverage. Recently, Allianz released its 2014 Global Aviation Study, which gives the public, aviation officials and lawmakers a glimpse into the current state of aviation safety. Because it [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:53:02-07:00January 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The current state of global aviation safety

How safe are the trucks currently on the road?

We recently wrote about the potential safety implications of the restart rollback provisions contained within the most recent federal appropriations bill. We noted that because truck drivers are no longer required to obtain a certain level of rest before operating their vehicles that they could potentially pose an increasingly significant safety risk to themselves and those around them. Unfortunately, fatigued truck drivers are not the only reason why Americans can reasonably fear the risk of being involved in injurious or fatal truck accidents. Commercial big rigs are not always properly maintained and therefore can serve as a significant risk factor when it comes to the probability [...]

By |2018-05-27T12:53:35-07:00December 26th, 2014|Truck Accidents|Comments Off on How safe are the trucks currently on the road?

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