Can football stadiums help prevent drunk driving?

A mother is pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against an NFL stadium after a drunk driving accident resulted in the death of her daughter and another girl after a game. The mother says that the stadium has ineffective policies on alcohol sales that put the public at risk when intoxicated fans leave the stadium. The driver in the accident that killed her daughter had about five beers at a football game before he drove his SUV into the shoulder of the road where the two teenage girls were walking away from the game. Like many other stadiums in the United States, the one where this drunk [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:53:42-07:00December 29th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Can football stadiums help prevent drunk driving?

Investigation continues into fatal California multi-car crash

Police are still piecing together exactly what happened this week in a deadly crash involving seven vehicles. The crash was caused by a driver of a grey Ford Taurus who witnesses say crashed into the first vehicle at a high rate of speed, causing tremendous damage to both cars. Both speed and drunk driving are suspected to be causes of the crash, which set of a chain reaction and eventually involved a total of seven cars. The woman in the car that sustained the initial impact died at the scene. The other passengers and drivers have indicated that they experienced some pain but were not hospitalized. [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:54:34-07:00December 18th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Investigation continues into fatal California multi-car crash

Holiday season brings increased risk of car crashes

It doesn’t take a scientist to know that the roads are a little hectic and crazy during the holiday season. Anyone who has been out driving in the days surrounding a major holiday can attest to the fact that previously held laws of decency can sometimes fly out the window in the midst of the holiday rush. Still, the extent to which roads become more dangerous around certain holidays may be surprising. Researchers found that in the six-day period surrounding Christmas, there are 27 percent more car crashes than New Years Eve. The days around Christmas also outpace Thanksgiving in terms of car accidents by 17 [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:56:03-07:00December 13th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Holiday season brings increased risk of car crashes

What To Do If You Get Into a Car Accident

As the fall weather turns to winter, an increased level of rainfall is expected to happen. With that rain comes more traffic accidents, as rain is especially dangerous in dry weather states like California. Rain makes the roads slippery, rain tends to decrease drivers visibility and many people in dry weather states who aren't used to driving in rainy weather tend to drive either excessively cautiously or recklessly, both of which are dangerous and can unfortunately cause auto accidents. While we hope that you first and foremost drive more carefully, accidents will occur. Below are a few things we hope you remember if you or someone [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:57:27-07:00December 10th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What To Do If You Get Into a Car Accident

California woman says she was not distracted by Google Glass

A California woman has entered a not-guilty plea in the case of a traffic ticket that has gained national attention. The woman’s unprecedented fight to be able to wear her Google Glass while she is behind the wheel will continue to wind its way through the court system as she challenges a traffic law that prohibits drivers from viewing a screen of any kind while they are behind the wheel. The traffic law is designed to curb distracted driving, which now causes a significant number of car accidents in the United States each year, many of them fatal. Safety officials have compared distracted driving and its [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:57:59-07:00December 6th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on California woman says she was not distracted by Google Glass

Uninsured drivers remain common problem in California

The experience of being involved in a major motor vehicle accident can be a shock to the system, to say the least. Accident victims often have just a spilt second to brace themselves for an impact before a rapid chain of events goes into motion. Eventually the victim and their family must deal with medical bills, property damage, and other costs that arise from the accident. At this point victims turn to the insurance coverage for the at-fault driver to help cover costs. However, a recent study found that nationwide, as many as 14 percent of drivers do not have car insurance even though it is [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:58:26-07:00December 5th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Uninsured drivers remain common problem in California

Rain-slicked roads create hazards for California drivers

As the winter begins to set in here in southern California, our conditions might not be quite as icy as elsewhere in the country, but that doesn’t mean the changing weather isn’t dangerous for drivers. A storm this week caused many car accidents around the state as drivers struggled to adapt to rain-slicked roads. A California High Patrol officer told reporters that many drivers involved in accidents were simply driving too fast for the road conditions. This serves as an important reminder that speed limits are intended for “ideal” conditions, which means clear and dry. When rain hits the roads and highways the speed limit may [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:58:58-07:00November 22nd, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Rain-slicked roads create hazards for California drivers

Data shows increase in deadly hit-and-run car accidents

It is probably hard to imagine a situation in which is seems acceptable to flee from the scene of an accident that you have caused. Yet that is what thousands of people do every year when they are involved in a car accident in which someone is injured. In fact, while overall traffic accidents have been decreasing in recent years, the number of fatal hit-and-run accidents has increased. A spokesperson from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety told reporters that the public isn’t really aware of the magnitude of this problem. Alcohol is often a factor in drunk driving accidents, according to experts on the topic. [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:59:31-07:00November 16th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Data shows increase in deadly hit-and-run car accidents

Sitcom star still recovering from car crash injury

One of the stars of the popular sitcom Big Bang Theory told reporters this week that her hand injury from a 2012 car accident still affects her every day. Mayim Bialik said that she sustained significant injuries during the car crash but is grateful that they were not worse. She says that she is not yet pain-free and that she will continue to recover. The incident is in the news again this week since the actress filed a lawsuit against the other driver involved in the car accident and a rental car company that owned one of the vehicles involved. […]

By |2018-05-28T08:02:20-07:00October 21st, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Sitcom star still recovering from car crash injury

Has the government shutdown impacted vehicle safety?

There has been a lot of discussion in the news the past two weeks about which government agencies and services have and have not been shut down a result of the budget and debt ceiling impasse. And, even as the shutdown may be nearing an end with leaders in the Senate saying that they have reach a compromise, there are many who remain concerned that the consequences of the government shutdown could last beyond the time when all of the offices re-open their doors since it will take time to catch up from missed work. One area where this is particularly concerning is the area of [...]

By |2018-05-28T08:03:15-07:00October 16th, 2013|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Has the government shutdown impacted vehicle safety?

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