Why Car Drivers Should Have More than the Minimum Auto Insurance Policy

It’s required by California state law for all motorists to carry minimum vehicle insurance. Each states set its own minimum and in California, it is 15/30/5 which refers to bodily injury and property damage liability insurance. For instance, 15/30/5 means coverage up to $15,000 per individual injured in an accident, $30,000 for all persons injured in an accident and $5,000 coverage for property damage. This liability coverage is to protect you from risk should you be sued and held legally responsible if you are in an “at fault” accident. But what happens if someone driving with only minimum coverage hits you? Auto insurance for most drivers [...]

By |2016-03-14T18:33:39-07:00March 14th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Why Car Drivers Should Have More than the Minimum Auto Insurance Policy

Irvine Car Accident Statistics

There are more than 3.14 million residents living in Orange County, California, according to the latest figures available by the United States Census Bureau. Furthermore, according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, there are more than 2,116,173 registered automobiles in Orange County. Combined with trucks, trailers, and other vehicles, that number skyrockets to more than 2.7 million on Orange County roads. With so many people and vehicles traveling the roads, car accidents are commonplace in Orange County and, particularly, in the city of Irvine. This city was developed by the Irvine Company in the 1960’s, and was formally incorporated in December 1971. The City of [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:45:27-07:00February 16th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Irvine Car Accident Statistics

Do You Have to Wear a Seat Belt while Riding in an Uber or Lyft Car?

Uber and Lyft are convenient peer-to-peer service that utilizes modern smartphone technology. They offer a transportation alternative to public transit like light rail, buses, trolleys, and taxi cabs. What’s more, in most cities, hitching a ride in an Uber or Lyft car is less expensive than hailing a taxi cab. The ride sharing app keeps its costs low because it is not regulated by states and cities the same as taxi fleets. The ride share company is not required to have the same type of insurance, and, it does not pay for medallions for its vehicles (the official licensing of a vehicle to carry paying passengers). [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:51:00-07:00December 18th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Do You Have to Wear a Seat Belt while Riding in an Uber or Lyft Car?

Things You Should NOT Do After Getting into a Car Accident

Car accidents are quite common on roads across the country, and, these can result in permanent injury or death. Annually, the number of collisions averages 6 million, with 3 million drivers, passengers, and pedestrians being injured nationwide. About 2 million drivers experience a permanent injury each year and more than 90 people are killed every day. In California, with approximately 13 million vehicles on the road, the risk of being in an auto collision is very real. Should you be involved in a traffic accident, there are things you should do, but more particularly, things you should Things You Should NOT Do After Getting into a [...]

By |2020-08-17T20:09:53-07:00November 30th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Things You Should NOT Do After Getting into a Car Accident

Federal bucks made available for California traffic safety efforts

It’s not exactly hard to quickly identify multiple traffic-related risks of outsized proportions that threaten high numbers of California motorists in Ventura County and elsewhere across the state. Concededly, though, it’s a bit more difficult to point to a ready funding source to alleviate those problems. […]

By |2018-05-26T12:53:15-07:00November 24th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Federal bucks made available for California traffic safety efforts

Well-constructed and maintained roads: a reasonable expectation

The so-called “social contract” that is a bedrock principle underlying American life hinges much on the idea that reciprocal duties and corresponding behaviors between citizens and government entities promote necessary predictability and safety. In other words, there’s a give-and-take mentality at work. […]

By |2018-05-26T14:31:51-07:00October 16th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Well-constructed and maintained roads: a reasonable expectation

California road deaths: reversal of downward trend, Part 2

It is certainly food for thought to see the word “only” in a sentence that refers to the 2,739 traffic deaths that reportedly occurred on California roadways in 2010. By any measuring stick, that number would seem notably high and remarkably sad. It equates, on average, to more than seven people dying in motor vehicle accidents on state roads every single day of the year. […]

By |2018-05-26T14:33:10-07:00October 1st, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on California road deaths: reversal of downward trend, Part 2

State officials say traffic fatalities again on the rise in California

After several years of considerable improvements in safety, the annual number of traffic deaths is again on the rise in California. In fact, in 2010 there were fewer California traffic fatalities than during any other year since World War II, but there has been a 13 percent increase since 2010. So why is the state seeing an uptick in fatal accidents now? And why do state officials expect the trend to continue? […]

By |2018-05-26T14:34:59-07:00September 29th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on State officials say traffic fatalities again on the rise in California

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