L.A. Road Vehicle Fatalities Show Little Disparity

Whether you’re a pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, or, driving a private passenger vehicle, every time you get on the road in Los Angeles, you’re at-risk for an accident. It’s no secret the streets pose a danger to everyone on them, and, the statistics bear this fact out. In fact, City of Angels drivers kill bicyclists and pedestrians way above the national average, according to a study conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. The reason? It’s simply a matter of sheer exposure, where there’s such density, 7,000 people per square mile, there are going to be more collisions. Injury and fatality crashes are quite commonplace, [...]

By |2018-05-26T14:37:59-07:00September 28th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on L.A. Road Vehicle Fatalities Show Little Disparity

Beware those rainy day Los Angeles commutes

What do you think is the most dangerous and deadly driving condition? Is it snow or ice? Nope; turns out its rain. So if it seems rainy commutes are the most dangerous times to drive, it’s not just your imagination; it’s a statistical fact. A new analysis of federal data shows rain causes more driving fatalities than snow in 39 out of 50 states. In fact, car accidents are the deadliest weather hazard in the United States – whether caused by rain, snow, fog or wind – and kill about 7,000 Americans a year. Over eleven years, California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System and National Oceanic [...]

By |2018-05-26T14:41:16-07:00September 28th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Beware those rainy day Los Angeles commutes

Surprised? Yet another — and massive — vehicle recall

Is it any wonder that many millions of Americans view would-be exculpatory statements made by automotive executives at press conferences and before congressional bodies with a strong measure of cynicism? How much backpedaling, restating, rationalizing and no-comment responses have American consumers grown accustomed to hearing over the years? […]

By |2018-05-26T14:41:46-07:00September 23rd, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Surprised? Yet another — and massive — vehicle recall

NSC: Road safety issues galore in early 2015

The National Safety Council has revealed some data about car accidents in the first half of 2015, and the results are dismaying. According to the NSC, drivers have traveled a little bit more in the first half of the year. In 2007, the previous high for miles traveled in first half of the year, drivers logged 1.23 trillion miles. This year, it was up to 1.26 trillion miles. That’s a pretty modest increase from the previous high, and it isn’t too far from other previous years (roughly a 3.4 percent increase, according to the source article). But here’s the dismaying part: despite this modest increase in [...]

By |2018-05-26T14:43:33-07:00September 5th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NSC: Road safety issues galore in early 2015

What is the Office of Defects, and what does it do?

It seems to be the case that a federal office tasked with broad oversight of vehicle safety issues relating to both passenger and commercial vehicles and equipment could use a bit more oversight itself. Put another way: In response to the question of what it is precisely that the so-called Office of Defects Investigation does, the answer might reasonably seem to be that the ODI does very little, and that much of what it does focus upon is not done particularly well. […]

By |2018-05-26T14:45:49-07:00August 18th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What is the Office of Defects, and what does it do?

NHTSA slams automaker for defects, wrongdoing

Automakers sometimes receive the proverbial slap on the wrist from national safety regulators, with government agencies alleging acts of negligence or wrongdoing that result in admonitory warnings, threats of safety recalls and fines and additional responses that don’t exactly inspire fear or quick industry compliance. Fiat Chrysler could do with a bit of that right now, as the recently combined motor vehicle manufacturer is contemplating a just-inked settlement with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that actually bites as well as barks. […]

By |2018-05-26T14:46:43-07:00August 6th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on NHTSA slams automaker for defects, wrongdoing

On distracted driving, and what it means in California

You probably don’t think about the total number of text messages that are sent in the United States and its territories every month, but the figure is staggering. According to a study based on data as of Dec. 2013, roughly 153.3 billion texts are sent per month. That’s an incredible number. How many of those texts are sent while someone is behind the wheel of a motor vehicle? No one knows for sure, but its a significant number, given some other figures. The crazy thing is, distracted driving isn’t just limited to texting while driving. Cellphone use, in general, is a form of distracted driving. Using [...]

By |2018-05-26T14:48:06-07:00July 22nd, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on On distracted driving, and what it means in California

Faulty airbags responsible for 8 deaths, more than 100 injuries

It’s currently estimated that one in seven vehicles in the United States may be equipped with a faulty airbag. This statistic may be extremely shocking to those of our Los Angeles readers who have not been following the news regarding the recent recalls involving vehicles with Takata airbags. But for those who have been following the story, this statistic only further illustrates the need to hold auto manufacturers liable for their negligence. For those who do not know, a number of investigations into crashes over the last decade have uncovered a flaw in Takata’s airbags that cause them to explode violently in a driver’s face. In [...]

By |2018-05-26T14:48:38-07:00July 18th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Faulty airbags responsible for 8 deaths, more than 100 injuries

Will Google’s self-driving cars put an end to car accidents?

If you’ve been following our blog over the last year then you know we’ve talked before about Google’s self-driving car. What was once just a prototype being driven on a test track nearly a year ago has now been released on actual roads here in California and most recently near Austin, Texas. But just as it did when it was first created, the vehicle is still raising a number of questions, including the one we’re asking in today’s post title: Will Google’s self-driving cars put an end to car accidents? […]

By |2018-05-26T14:49:12-07:00July 17th, 2015|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Will Google’s self-driving cars put an end to car accidents?

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