Fatal California crash linked to distracted, drugged driving

A fatal car accident that occurred in California this week is said to have been caused by a driver who was distracted by a text message on their cellphone at the time of the crash. There are also allegations that the individual was driving under the influence of drugs when he did not see a traffic stop ahead of him on the road and failed to slow down. The driver had been previously cited for other traffic violations and has past convictions for distracted driving and racing on a public street, both of which are reckless behaviors. California Highway Patrol officers arrested him after this crash [...]

By |2018-05-27T23:42:10-07:00March 22nd, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Fatal California crash linked to distracted, drugged driving

Distracted driving accounts for nine fatal crashes per day

Experts at the Centers for Disease Control estimate that nine people die each day from distracted driving car accidents. In addition, more than 1,000 people are injured every single day in car crashes where distracted driving is listed as a cause in the police report. This estimate may be low, since not all crashes that occur as a result of distracted driving are reported as such. Victims of distracted driving accidents have the right to be compensated for their injuries, whether that means being reimbursed for current medical bills or lost income or looking further into the future and getting compensation for the long term costs [...]

By |2018-05-27T23:42:56-07:00March 18th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Distracted driving accounts for nine fatal crashes per day

California boating accidents results in one fatality

One person was killed over the weekend when two boats participating in a race near Los Angeles collided in the water. Police say that the driver of one of the boats lost control of his watercraft during the event, leading a boat behind him to crash into his. The driver of the front boat was pronounced at the scene of the crash but police say that they do not know the exact cause of death. As many California readers know, watersports can be a lot of fun but it is also necessary to take serious precautions to avoid injuries. Races and other competitive events can hold [...]

By |2018-05-27T23:43:32-07:00March 11th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on California boating accidents results in one fatality

Southern California hit-and-run crash causes serious injuries

One person was seriously injured this week in a hit-and-run car crash near Oxnard. The crash took place around 6:30 pm and involved an SUV and a van. The driver of the SUV allegedly turned into the path of the van, causing a broadside crash. The victim of the accident was hospitalized but reported to be in stable condition. The driver of the SUV initially fled the scene of the car crash on foot, running down the street away from police. He was apprehended nearby the crash scene and police arrested him on suspicion of felony hit and run. […]

By |2018-05-28T07:45:22-07:00February 26th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Southern California hit-and-run crash causes serious injuries

Horrific crash claims the lives of mother and 4 children

A fatal motor vehicle accident is always tragic, but it is even more tragic when it could very easily have been prevented. Although it may seem tedious to stop at every light and every stop sign, especially if there are a lot around, there is an important reason why those signs and lights are there. City planners have asked for the signage to make the roads and community safer. Ignoring those signs can pose a very serious risk. Unfortunately for a man from Fresno County, someone ignored a stop sign, driving through an intersection at nearly 60 mph. By not stopping, however, that driver smashed into [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:46:19-07:00February 20th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Horrific crash claims the lives of mother and 4 children

Marijuana-related fatal car accidents on the rise

Researchers looking at car crash statistics from six states around the country have determined that the rate of deadly car crashes involving drivers with marijuana in their systems has tripled over the past ten years. During the same period of time, the ratio of alcohol-related fatal car crashed stayed about the same (around 40 percent). Drugged driving in general accounted for 28 percent of fatal crashes in 2010, the most recent year of statistics that were examined. That proportion represents a 12 percent increase from 11 years ago. Among those fatal drugged driving accidents, marijuana was the main drug involved, contributing to 12 percent of crashes [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:46:42-07:00February 11th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Marijuana-related fatal car accidents on the rise

New technology may help prevent car accidents

This week safety officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced the first stages of an effort to bring vehicle-to-vehicle communications systems to new cars and trucks. These systems allow cars and trucks to communicate over radio frequencies, transmitting information about speed, traffic, and distance from other cars to provide alerts to drivers or trigger automatic breaks or steering maneuvers. This type of device is one element that experts say will be incorporated in self-driving cars in the future, but can be implemented earlier and more cheaply than a fully automated driving system. Early models will only be capable of providing alerts, but analysts say [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:47:09-07:00February 7th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on New technology may help prevent car accidents

Car service company faces wrongful death suit

A California family is pursuing a civil suit against car service smartphone app company Uber after a driver who worked as an independent contractor for the company hit and killed their six-year-old daughter in an intersection. The driver was not presently carrying a passenger on behalf of Uber at the time that the accident occurred, but the family argues that since he had the application open on his screen and may have been looking for passengers that Uber should be responsible. This case implicates a variety of complex legal theories, starting with the question of whether Uber could be responsible at all for an independent contractor’s [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:47:35-07:00February 5th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Car service company faces wrongful death suit

Fatal crash data reveals risk for drivers under legal limit

A lot of us are led to believe that if something is legal, then it is likely also safe. We trust laws and regulations to protect us from various hazards such as dangerous drugs and other products, and the dangerous behavior of other people. One example of this is in the laws regulating drunk driving. We all know that drunk driving is dangerous and poses a risk to the public, which is why drunk driving is a crime. However, what most people do not realize is that simply because one is under the legal limit for blood alcohol content, that does not mean that they pose [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:48:01-07:00January 28th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Fatal crash data reveals risk for drivers under legal limit

Drunk driver may have sped prior to crash, passenger dies

An unfortunate wreck in the Los Angeles area claimed the life of a 21-year-old man and left another man with serious injuries. The crash involved just one vehicle, as it plowed into a tree in Anaheim. The police have launched an investigation into the car accident and though few details are being released, the police do have a few suspicions about what caused the wreck. Investigators believe that the driver was intoxicated in some way when he chose to get behind the wheel, and they also believe that the man was speeding prior to the crash. The driver survived, but his 21-year-old passenger did not. If [...]

By |2018-05-28T07:48:41-07:00January 24th, 2014|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Drunk driver may have sped prior to crash, passenger dies

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