Is a Parking Lot Accident Treated the Same as a Roadway Accident?

Parking lots can be challenging places to drive. Some are vast, like those surrounding shopping centers and stadiums, where simply finding your way in and out can be difficult. Some are lofty structures that hold multiple levels of cars, while others are crowded and cramped little areas where backing out of a space without hitting another car can be a task. The one characteristic that parking lots in California do have in common is that they are often full of confused or inattentive drivers. Drivers in parking lots are often looking for a parking space in the next lane or trying to find the way out [...]

By |2020-08-17T20:06:08-07:00January 27th, 2017|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Is a Parking Lot Accident Treated the Same as a Roadway Accident?

Whiplash: The Garden-Variety Injury

Whiplash ranks as the most frequent injury in auto accident insurance claims, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute. Based on National Analysis Sampling System (NASS) data, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated 805,581 whiplash injuries occurred in the United States alone from the years 1988 and 1996. Furthermore, of these incidents, about 272,464, resulted from rear end collisions. That’s a lot of people with whiplash! Whiplash, a sudden forward and backward movement of the neck, is a common injury many suffer from at least once in a lifetime. It usually occurs in a rear-end auto collision, but it can also [...]

By |2020-08-07T23:21:37-07:00January 17th, 2017|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Whiplash: The Garden-Variety Injury

Is Your Vehicle Ready for Rain and Wet Conditions?

It’s no secret we’re right in the middle of California’s rainy season, which begins in late October and continues right through March. During this time of year, the National Flood Insurance Program warns home and business owners about the potential for flooding. But, it’s also the time of year when car accidents spike due to inclement weather conditions. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not snow and ice conditions which contribute to auto collisions, it’s rain. California Rainy Season: Auto Accident Prevention Tips: Is Your Vehicle Road Ready for Rain and Wet Road Conditions? An analysis of federal data reveals that rain actually causes more roadway fatalities [...]

By |2019-09-24T23:42:42-07:00January 8th, 2017|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Is Your Vehicle Ready for Rain and Wet Conditions?

What Happens When You Are Working and Are Involved in an Accident

Thousands of car accidents occur every day in the United States. More than 37,000 fatalities happen annually with an additional 2.35 million injuries. According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel or ASIRT, 1,600 f those roadway deaths are children under the age of 15 years and about 8,000 fatality crashes involve drivers ranging in age from 16 to 20-years old. California’s roads are notoriously dangerous with so many private vehicles sharing the roads with commercial cars, trucks, vans, and so on. So, if you are working and involved in an auto accident while on-the-job, what happens? What Happens when You are Working and are [...]

By |2022-06-02T16:06:58-07:00December 30th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What Happens When You Are Working and Are Involved in an Accident

Does Cruise Control in All Motor Vehicles Make Our Roads and Highways Safer?

Cruise control technology has been an integral part of motor vehicle technology for decades. The basic cruise control system was designed to allow the driver of a car or truck to set the desired speed of the vehicle. The system would maintain the desired speed of the vehicle on upgrades and downgrades without the driver needing to apply the gas or brakes. On long straight roads cruise control could give rest to the driver’s legs, prevent exceeding the speed limit inadvertently, leading to reduced driving stress. When approaching slower traffic, inclement weather, a change in speed limit or poor road conditions, the driver with a single [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:08:09-07:00December 26th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Does Cruise Control in All Motor Vehicles Make Our Roads and Highways Safer?

Why Distracted Driving Can Be More Dangerous Than Impaired Driving

Distracted driving can be more dangerous than impaired driving, statistics and research show. Although it may be a surprising concept, the reality is much different and it’s stark. It’s easy to assume consuming alcohol or taking drugs will impair a driver’s ability far more than any distraction, whether it’s eating, changing media, reading email, or texting. But statistics prove otherwise. Why Distracted Driving can be More Dangerous than Impaired Driving So, exactly why is distracted driving more dangerous than impaired driving? Well, there are a few explanations. First, drunk driving is on the decline across the country. Though impaired driving remains one of the leading causes [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:08:46-07:00December 20th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Why Distracted Driving Can Be More Dangerous Than Impaired Driving

Airbags Save Lives But Can Also Cause Injuries

Airbags are designed to inflate rapidly then quickly deflate during a collision or impact. However, this car important safety feature can inflict mild to serious injury on drivers and passengers alike. During an auto accident, there are actually four types of collisions which may occur. These range from mild to severe and are what cause bodily injury and/or death. The first collision is between the vehicle and another object, whether it’s a car, an immovable object, or something else. The second collision is between any unrestrained driver or passenger and the vehicle’s interior. The third collision is between passenger internal organs and the body itself (such [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:09:19-07:00December 18th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Airbags Save Lives But Can Also Cause Injuries

Roads Get Slippery When it Rains in Southern California

Southern California is known for its remarkable weather but it’s not always bright and sunny. From late October through March, Southern California experiences its annual rainy season. That’s when roads become slippery from vehicle engine oil, other fluid discharges, and of course, rainfall over the freeways and roads. This results in very dangerous conditions. Averaging a 10-year period of statistics, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration discovered 46 percent of all weather-related collisions occur in the rain. But, only 17 percent are attributed to snow and sleet. Roads Get Slippery when it Rains in Southern California “Slippery Southland Road Causing Major Wrecks, Dangerous Driving Conditions,” an [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:09:50-07:00December 16th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Roads Get Slippery When it Rains in Southern California

Can Posting on Social Media Harm My Auto Accident Case?

Let us say you were in a car accident over the weekend. You are angry and want to vent, or maybe you were injured and want assure your friends that they should not worry. Maybe another driver or passenger was seriously injured and you feel bad for them and apologize for them being hurt, even if it was not your fault. It would be very tempting to post about the ordeal on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. for many reasons. Don't do it. Anything you say or show on social media can be found by the defendant's insurance adjuster or the insurance company's attorney. Adjusters and [...]

By |2021-05-20T12:56:50-07:00December 14th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Can Posting on Social Media Harm My Auto Accident Case?

A Closer Look at Car Accident Statistics at Night

A closer look at car accident statistics at night reveals chilling details. One figure in-particular, tells the sad tale of how dangerous roadways are after the sun goes down — more than 40 percent of all road fatalities happen at night, even though there’s 60 percent less traffic. What’s more, car drivers and passengers are approximately at three times more risk at being involved in a traffic fatality at night, compared to any time of day, according to research conducted by the National Safety Council. A Closer Look at Car Accident Statistics at Night Although it’s reasonable to assume the number of car crashes would be [...]

By |2020-08-01T15:15:31-07:00December 10th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on A Closer Look at Car Accident Statistics at Night

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