5 Things Insurance Companies Don’t Want Car Accident Victims to Know

We’ve been dealing with insurance companies for years and are extremely familiar with the way they work. They have several secrets they don’t want you to know about, especially if you’ve been in a car accident. We all know insurance companies are in business to make money and they really don’t want to pay any out. But did you know they work hard at paying as little as possible on each and every claim made? As you probably know, insurers collect premiums, which are based on a variety of statistics. This data provides insurance carriers with statistical and other information to set rates, based on your [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:30:41-07:00September 21st, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on 5 Things Insurance Companies Don’t Want Car Accident Victims to Know

5 Summer Driving Tips That You Can’t Ignore

In sunny California, it’s nearly like summer year ’round in many parts of the state. And even though the summer season officially coming to a close, we’ve compiled five summer-weather driving safety tips you can’t ignore while on the road because they are always useful. There’s a strong belief the worst time to be commuting or traveling is during the winter, but it’s actually a misconception. There are more factors and conditions which contribute to a higher number of car accidents during the official summer months of June, July, and August. But with it frequently sunny in the Golden State, there tends to be more cars [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:31:10-07:00September 14th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on 5 Summer Driving Tips That You Can’t Ignore

Safety Tips for Orange County Drivers and Pedestrians

Safety tips for Orange County drivers and pedestrians should regularly be practiced to avoid injury or even tragedy. Sadly, according to the Los Angeles Times and based on data collected by the Governors Highway Safety Association in 2015, California leads the nation in the number of pedestrian deaths. As every driver and pedestrian in Orange County knows from firsthand experience, the streets are congested and safety is an ever-present concern. But by making habits of good practices, drivers and pedestrians can be more safe as they commute. […]

By |2018-05-26T12:31:55-07:00September 7th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Safety Tips for Orange County Drivers and Pedestrians

The Most Dangerous Roads and Highways in Orange County

The most dangerous roads and highways in Orange County are the scenes for many car crashes, property damage, bodily injuries, and even lives, year after year. It’s no secret in the Golden State, Orange County streets are among the most dangerous to drive or bike. Whether you’re in a sedan, minivan, truck, or SUV, it’s a risk to take to the roads each and every time you drive. We’ve done a little digging to identify which Orange County roads pose the most safety hazards and some of them might surprise you. The Most Dangerous Roads and Highways in Orange County There are several reasons roads pose [...]

By |2016-08-18T16:13:00-07:00August 18th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on The Most Dangerous Roads and Highways in Orange County

Understanding Auto Insurance Policies and Limits

It’s important to have a solid understanding of auto insurance policies and limits under California law. In the Golden State, auto insurance is required to operate a vehicle; it’s also required to register an automobile and to renew a car’s registration. In fact, even if a car is parked on a public street and not driven, insurance is still required to cover a non-operated vehicle. The fact is, motorists must recognize their need for adequate insurance. After all, no one can predict when and where you or anyone else may be in an auto accident. Accidents happen all the time, under every imaginable condition. This is [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:36:17-07:00August 8th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Understanding Auto Insurance Policies and Limits

The Most Dangerous Roads & Highways in Palmdale

Many people have been seriously injured or lost their lives while driving on the some of the most dangerous roads and highways in California which happen to be in Palmdale and the Antelope Valley. Grim headlines read, “Bicyclist Killed in Collision with SUV,” “Lancaster Woman Killed in Rollover Crash,” and “Palmdale Man Dies in Fiery Crash.” The fact is, Palmdale and the State of California have some of the deadliest roadways in the entire nation. Getting on some roads presents real risk and you should know which are the most dangerous. The Most Dangerous Roads and Highways in Palmdale In the latest statistics available, there were [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:36:46-07:00August 3rd, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on The Most Dangerous Roads & Highways in Palmdale

Have any New Truck or Motor Vehicle Laws been Put into Place?

Road laws are intended to serve as public safety measures. As vehicle technology evolves, drivers have more conveniences at their fingertips than ever before resulting in increased driver distractions. The new California driving laws passed on January 1, 2016 include measures to curtail these distractions. The Golden State legislature enacted several new motor vehicle laws which came into effect on January 1st. Even though we are well into 2016, chances are most Californians don’t know about the changes. So, whether you’re driving a car, truck, van, motorcycle, or, even on a bicycle or skateboard, there are new road rules for all to follow. Have any New [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:37:38-07:00June 30th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Have any New Truck or Motor Vehicle Laws been Put into Place?

Who Can I Bring Action Against in Car Accidents in California?

In the state of California, there are more than 32.8 million people with a driver’s license and a total of 34,346,325 registered vehicles, according to the latest records published by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. With so many people and vehicles on the roads, it’s little wonder why car accidents are commonplace in the Golden State. In the latest figures available, the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System or SWITRS, reports 3,104 fatalities, 223,128 injuries, 156,909 injury car accidents, and 2,853 fatal traffic collisions. Such numbers are shocking and simply cannot be ignored. If you are involved in a vehicle collision, you’ll certainly want [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:38:38-07:00June 3rd, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Who Can I Bring Action Against in Car Accidents in California?

What is a Contingency Fee? Contingency Fees Explained

You’ve may have seen or heard about contingency fees, but, don’t have a clear understanding of what these are and how beneficial they are to consumers of personal injury claims. The basic concept of the contingency fee agreement is that a client does not pay upfront expenses. Further, a client does not pay legal fees unless and until the case is won and then the lawyer receives a percentage of the recovery as his or her fee. If the case is lost, there is no legal fee at all for the lawyer. It may be surprising to know that a large number of attorneys are willing [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:40:49-07:00May 9th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on What is a Contingency Fee? Contingency Fees Explained

Car Accident Statistics in Palmdale

With a population of nearly 158,279, Palmdale, California, is one of the fastest growing cities in the state. Home to the Antelope Valley Community College and other higher institutions of learning, this is an expanding city. As more people come to know and love Palmdale, the population will continue to grow and that means more vehicles on the road. Collisions can happen in just seconds, leaving the people involved injured. It’s not uncommon for serious bodily harm to occur in even low-speed crashes and property damage to occur. When you are involved in a car accident, it can take a real toll on your life. You [...]

By |2018-05-26T12:41:21-07:00April 29th, 2016|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Car Accident Statistics in Palmdale

More Than 30 Years of Experience Fighting For the Victims of Negligence

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Call us at 818-991-8900 or fill out the form below to set up a time to talk with our legal team about your case. If you are unable to come to our office in Westlake Village because of your injuries, we can come to you.

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