Will Walmart’s Increased Pressure on Carriers Adversely Affect Highway Safety?
Walmart has implemented a policy to fine shippers and carriers for late, early or improperly packaged deliveries. Will this pressure compromise highway safety?
Walmart has implemented a policy to fine shippers and carriers for late, early or improperly packaged deliveries. Will this pressure compromise highway safety?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has launched an outreach program to educate the public about driving safely around large commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).
How many traffic reports do we hear about a California thoroughfare being blocked by a jackknifed truck? A jackknife truck accident often results in massive damage to property, serious injuries and, too often, fatalities. How do these accident occur and is the truck driver always at fault? The Complex Triple Braking Systems of Big Rigs The braking system of a tractor truck, hauling one or more trailers, is of a much greater complexity than any other vehicle on the road. There are actually three separate braking systems. There is one that controls the steering axle in the front, another that controls the driving wheels at the [...]
The results from truck accidents are far more devastating on average than other motor vehicle accidents. In the U.S. one person is killed or injured in a truck crash every 16 minutes. 98% of the fatalities are occupants in the smaller vehicles, as opposed to those riding in the trucks. Despite these numbers truck drivers, on the average, are patient and safe drivers. When truck accidents occur involving an automobile, it is at least partially the fault of the automobile driver in 75% of all cases. Only 16% of truck accidents can be attributed to the driver of the truck. Why do truck accidents happen and [...]
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the entity responsible for promoting the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles (CMV’s) and reducing the number and severity of crashes. In 2009 the FMCSA released crash data that showed that 4808 highway fatalities involved large trucks. These numbers, although lower than previous years, remain high due to the factor of distracted driving among CMV drivers. Restrictions were introduced jointly by the FMCSA and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) in 2010. The new set of rules was designed specifically to prohibit the use of hand held mobile devices for talking and texting by interstate truck [...]
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) can have an appreciable impact in a California truck crash case, involving injuries or fatalities, in regards to recovering damages. All commercial vehicles, weighing more than 10.000 lbs. or used to transport hazardous materials, and are used for interstate commerce are bound by the FMCSR. Both trucking companies and their employees are held to stringent safety standards under the FMCSR. An “employee” is defined as a full-time driver for the company or an independent contractor hired by the trip. A California truck crash attorney, equipped with the proper skills, will know exactly how to leverage FMCSR violations against the [...]
The number of parcel delivery trucks on the nations roadways has increased significantly in recent years due to the popularity of consumer online purchasing. Along with the increase in delivery trucks the number of delivery truck accidents has also increased. Although not as dangerous as their larger counterparts – dump trucks and semi-trucks – these step vans still weigh between 10,000 and 20,000 pounds. Vehicles of this size can cause substantial damage to smaller vehicles and serious injury to the occupants. How Parcel Delivery Truck Accidents Happen A very familiar sight in every neighborhood at any time of day, these delivery trucks keep businesses flowing. Delivery [...]
The risk to drivers of passenger vehicles sharing the road with large trucks is obvious, but overload one of those trucks, or load it improperly, and the potential for a catastrophic event increases manifold. An overloaded semi-truck, or 18-wheeler, places an undue burden on its brakes, frame, suspension and tires. An overweight truck has an extended stopping ability, especially while traveling downhill and can easily jackknife on a wet road surface. Overloaded or improperly loaded trailers are prone to rollovers and even splitting open, dumping their contents onto a busy highway. The driver of an overweight truck may not be aware of weight of the load [...]
Truckers are often under pressure to continue driving, despite being fatigued. It is an alarming trend that has continued despite strict federal regulations. In truck crashes, that are the fault of the truck driver, fatigue is the number one cause, accounting for 35-40% of all truck accidents. A sleep deprived driver may be forcing himself to drive, due to the pressure of a delivery deadline or an arduous schedule. That fatigued driver may be as impaired as a driver that is under the influence of alcohol. Truck driver fatigue is the result of any or all the following; lack of sleep, working overtime or loading/unloading heavy [...]
There are many reasons that truck accidents happen. Truckers are often fatigued and inattentive from working long hours. Trucks require much longer braking distances than other vehicles and are not as maneuverable. Due to their high center of gravity they can turnover easily. When a large truck is involved in an accident the likelihood of injuries and extensive damage is much greater than with a passenger vehicle. Due to the potential for causing fatalities, injuries and extensive property damage, federal law requires interstate trucks to carry large amounts of insurance to shield the drivers and trucking companies from paying large claims while guaranteeing payment to innocent [...]